Well Being Trust
Well Being Trust is a foundation dedicated to advancing the mental, social, and spiritual health for all.
We believe the health of our mind is inseparable from the health of our body and spirit. Our goal is to save lives from deaths of despair and to increase equitable well-being for all. We are committed to improving systems of care, coverage, and community conditions as essential to addressing the most critical mental health challenges facing America.
With a bold mission, vision and overarching goal, Well Being Trust is investing in approaches that have the potential to model the way forward and advance clinical, community and cultural change…to transform the health of the nation and improve well-being for everyone.
Collaborations with Well Being Trust

A National Survey Sponsored by Hopelab and Well Being Trust
In partnership with Well Being TrustDigital health practices, social media use, and mental well-being among teens and young adults in the U.S.