Behind the Design of Quit The Hit
In partnership with Rescue AgencyBlending science and human-centered design presented design challenges with co-creating Quit the Hit. So we centered our process on building relationships and helped teens quit vaping.

Hopelab Investment Portfolio Expands to Include Organizations Treating Substance Use Disorders
In partnership with DynamiCare HealthIn response to the impact of the opioid epidemic, Hopelab has diversified its investment portfolio to include DynamiCare and YourPath, digital health organizations treating substance use disorders.

Quit the Hit
In partnership with Rescue AgencyA 30-day intervention that teaches young people how to quit vaping through group chats on Instagram.

Talk Vaping With Your Teen
In partnership with American Heart AssociationHopelab partnered with All Mental Health and the American Heart Association to develop this resource that gives parents trusted information about vaping and practical tips for having effective conversations with their teens.