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Photo of Robin Raskob

Robin Raskob


Senior Mgr, Strategic Communications / Staff

Robin leads Hopelab’s editorial and media relations efforts, crafting content and creating approaches to amplify and influence the way people are thinking about health and well-being outcomes for young people, especially BIPOC and LGBTQ+ youth. She’s passionate about using her skills to help improve mental health outcomes and create more equitable futures for young people. Robin was born, raised, and still lives in San Francisco with her partner and daughter.

Content written by Robin Raskob

logos on white background for dynamicare health, yourpath and hopelab

In response to the impact of the opioid epidemic, Hopelab has diversified its investment portfolio to include DynamiCare and YourPath, digital health organizations treating substance use disorders.

Tennis player Naomi Osaka and gymnast Simone Biles with a blue overlay

The biggest names in sports are saying ‘yes’ to their mental health. Grace Greene and Robin Raskob reflect on the revolution the world needs to see and how we might use their examples of community care and self care to approach mental health and well-being needs differently.

Transgender visibility matters.

When the visibility of transgender people is threatened, human rights are threatened. We must band together to prevent blatant discrimination and stand up for what is right. Let us be clear. Transgender rights matter. Transgender visibility matters. 

A graphic with an orage background and some decorative colorful asterisks. It reads: 'Mental health resources to build resilience in 2021'

While days might feel dark, we’re reaching for audacious things like hope and resilience. It’s ok to feel not ok; appropriate, even. And there are resources available to help. Please, take care.

Crushed Marlboro cigarette box

A reflection on cigarette usage as a teen, how vaping has changed nicotine use among young adults, and how parents can have a proactive discussion.

Vivibot mascot

The Vivibot team reflection on CancerCon 2019. What if a robot could increase reslilence and decrease distress in young cancer survivors?

Woman holding a little boy who is kissing her cheek

The practice of gratitude is built into our Goal Mama app, but also our Vivibot chatbot for young adult cancer survivors. The benefits are clearly helpful at shifting mindsets and helping reduce anxiety, depression, and boost positive thinking.

group photo

Goal setting allows nurses to give positive reinforcement and celebrate success with their clients and doing it on the Goal Mama platform meets moms where they are, using technology to enhance the engagement.

Person holding shadow

When children are tired and run down we tell them to slow down and rest, so why wouldn’t we do the same for ourselves? Self-care is a SMART goal we can all get behind.

Person looking in mirror

There is help. There are resources for those who are struggling with feelings of loneliness, despair, isolation, anger, or hopelessness as well as for those who aren’t struggling but want to help.

Teen holding head leaning against a window

Forming friendships takes time and effort, and there are many things about freshman year in college that can feel uncomfortable and lead to feelings of intense loneliness.

Teen on bed with records and record player

One of the biggest insights in this report is that teens and young adults experience moderate to severe symptoms of depression are turning to the internet for help.